Estelle Keerthana (Hari Hara Sudhan) Ramaswamy is a transfemme and non-binary person (pronouns are she/they. She is the Founder and the Chief Executive of ‘Ardham’. She is currently a PhD candidate at Deakin University, Australia. She has been awarded a Deakin University Postgraduate Research Scholarship (DUPRS). This makes Estelle Keerthana the first transwoman to pursue her PhD from India at a globally-ranked Australian public university. They are a staunch transfeminist and an LGBTIQA+ activist. They worked as a Project Fellow with the Department of Women’s Studies at the prestigious Bharathidasan University in Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu, India. They are multi-faceted wearing multiple hats such as an author, dramatist, researcher and a reviewer of various prestigious Scopus-indexed journals like Journal of Gender Studies (Taylor and Francis), Policy Futures in Education (Sage Publications) and TheEcopreneur.in to name a few. Their publications can be accessed through the link below: https://experts.deakin.edu.au/60388-estelle-keerthana-ramaswamy